TieTalent is the career growth platform dedicated to tech professionals. By being part of our community they access exclusive content and perks from our partners for services that help them expend their knowledge. When open for a new opportunity, companies apply for them for jobs they want. On their side, companies benefit from an intelligent system allowing them to hire rare talents in tech quickly and hassle-free, that they need to be successful. TieTalent launched in October 2018 and is already trusted by thousands of candidates and hundreds of companies in Switzerland and Germany, ranging from large corporations to some of the most promising European startups. Join us on our journey as we expand internationally and benefit from a friendly, international and rewarding work environment. Link to our imprint and Terms & Conditions https://tietalent.com/en/termsandconditions
Verified page
August 14, 2024
Technology, Information and Internet
Company size
11-50 employees15 associated members LinkedIn members who’ve listed TieTalent as their current workplace on their profile.
Renens, Vaud
Recrutement, Marketplace, Jobs, Talent match, Talent matching services, recruitment services , and Talent Magnet